In-Futura - Part I: Happiness

IN-FUTURA Part I: Happiness

In the future... memories and thoughts are stored on devices strapped to our arms, freeing our minds from the need to remember. This seemed like the perfect kind of future for Jason, a father who prides himself on the size of his family photo and video collection. But when Jason encounters a figure who strikes a chord in the deepest recesses of his heart, he comes to the realization that he would give it all up in order to find his "Lost Memory".

(Four Stars) "This is an entertaining, fast-paced story. The future world building is nicely done and the writing style easy to read."
— Enjay Elm (SmashWords Review)

In the future... children are trained to perform adult tasks like cooking and cleaning from birth, while adults "play" and philosophize. The situation for "The Children of Mulberry Lane" remains bleak until Cynthia, slaving away for an upcoming feast, receives a secret tip. Now Cynthia, her brother Loch, and their younger sister Discorte must flirt with doing what they had once thought was impossible: escape.

Status: Submitted for publication - wish me luck!

In the future... people all over the world have been swept up in a new cult of happiness called The One True Way. Ryan Poole of the Washington Sentinel reports on the harrowing assassination attempt on the cult's leader by a motley crew featuring a priest, a scientist, and a mystic. As the team infiltrates deeper and deeper into the cult's fortress, they'll each reveal their own perspective on the path to eternal happiness - their "Modus Operandi".

"Amazing story, and beautiful cover. Love everything about this!"
— JeanClaude1989 (WattPad Comment)

In the future... after mastering the Earth's climate using geo-engineering, the weather networks have now gained control of more localized systems - the weather. What does this mean for Gordon Levitt, a down-on-his-luck weatherman who is no longer needed to predict the weather? It means one last chance to prove to an old flame, and himself, that he's good for something after all. Just "Don't Blame the Weatherman"...

Status: Submitted for publication - wish me luck!

In the future... fashion and technology trends have united and swept pop-culture, creating ultra-popular tech designers like Mustaf Grave. But when the dead body of hottest property in the Fashion District is found naked on the very catwalk that she usually dominates, Faris Malone is called in to help solve the crime. Will the mysterious Private Eye, who disdains all things tech, be able to solve this "Murder on the Catwalk"?

Status: Submitted for publication - wish me luck!